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Drexmeister after getting kicked off piano lessons for refusing to read music, quickly felt the urge and drive to turn away from the norm. He has since developed himself into a solid artist. A multi instrumentalist (Key's, Guitar, Saxophone and Percussion) with a sound of his own. A sound he has spent the time sculpting over the years, producing tracks as part of well known groups like Human Resource, Dutchican Soul as well as remixes for a wide range of artists, including grammy winning artists like Right Said Fred.

Fast forward to date, Drexmeister has joined musical forces with Dwight Brown and Merel Sluman to form a creative team of vocalists, DJ's, Instrumentalists and song writers called the New Believers.

Musical influences: George Duke, Depeche Mode, Roberta Flack, Bob Katz en Nile Rogers.

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